Wednesday, May 6, 2020

E-Business Strategies of America

Question: Discuss about the E-Business Strategies of America. Answer: Current strategies assessment: American well is the company that providing the e-service and telemedicine services to the patients and they have the objectives to expand the business. In this case, the pestle analyses have done in order to analyze the market conditions of the organization. In addition to that, the organization has adopted the modern technologies to provide e-service to their patient. In this case, they have hired many it based medical employees who can control the organization and able to provide the services the customer smoothly (Proctor et al. 2013). In this case, the patient will be able to get the suggestion of the doctors from their home. In this case, the patients will have to be aware about the technologies otherwise the patient will not be able to get the services of the organization properly (Laudon and Traver, 2010). The organization has adopted the telemedicine services to their patients and the doctors who are attached with the organization will be well aware about the technologies. T herefore, the organization will be able to provide the services to the patients. In this case, porters five-force analysis also has done in order to know more about the market strength of the organization. In this case, the five force of analysis can describe the power of suppliers and power of customers of the organization (Gwinner, Gremler and Bitner, 2014). In addition to that, with the help of this analysis the organization will be know more about their rivals and their strength in order to analyze the market of the organization. In this case, the threat of the substitute goods also can be known that can harm the business of the American well (Mahadevan, 2016). In addition to that, the organization can be able to know more about the political strength, economical strength, social strength, technological aspects of the organization will be discussed and this will help the organization to expand their market within a stipulated time period. In addition to that, legal aspects of th e organization can also be discussed for which the organization will be able to avoid any kind of unfair situation that hamper the business of the organization (Nayyar, 2013). In this case, the core competencies has also be discussed that help the organization to develop the market and it helps the organization to capture more market share within a stipulated time period. The resources of the organization and their types are also discussed in this case of the organization that helps the organization to achieve the higher growth rate (Sampson and Froehle, 2013). In addition to that, the employees and their potentiality have also discussed in order to know more about the capabilities of the organization. The technologies that are used by the American well in order to know about the development of their process and how much they are enable to satisfy the Patient of the organization and how much they are able to attract more patients by their services. In this case, the American Well has to adopt an efficient business strategies in order to extract the more market power in addition to that, it helps theAmerican Well to stay in the competitive market in long ru n (Damanpour and Damanpour, 2012). In order to complete, the PESTLE analysis of the organization then some other aspects of the organization has discussed like the demand of the services and the nature of the consumer and their choices. It helps the organization to alter their service process and on the basis of this the organization has arranged the training and development program for the employees (Fano and Gershman, 2014). In effect of this, the employees of the American Well are able to serve the services according to the demand of the patients. As a result of this, the organization is able to achieve the maximum profit and be able to achieve the sustainable development in their services (Amit and Zott, 2015). In this regard, the organization will be able to capture the more market share and they can be able to charge lower price from the patients (Porter and Teisberg, 2012). In this case, the organization will be able to attract more customers within the short period of time. In this case, the organization will be able to maximize their sales and as a result of this the organization can restrict the entry of other organization in the industry. In this case, the organization can adopt some other advanced technologies that are recommended by the researcher who have developed the current strategies of American well. In this case, the doctors have to more technology savvy and they have to be able to prescribe telemedicine for the patients (Grandon and Pearson, 2013). In this case, the patients also have to be able to get the medicines otherwise; the services of the American well will be in vain. In this case, the organization cannot be able to stop the services to the patients otherwise, patients will not be able to free from the risk. On the other hand, the organization has to set the alternative process if the existing process unable to provide the emergency services to the patients. As a result of this the organization can lose the customers because the organization has providing the emergency services to the patients (Laudon and Traver, 2010). In this case, the organization has to hire the labors that have the potentiality to increase the service quality of the organization otherwise, the organization can lose the market share and the organization cannot be able to achieve the higher growth rate. In order to achieve the targeted growth rate within the short period of time the organization has to alter the business strategies for which the organization can be able to attract more customers in the industry (Mahadevan, 2016). The organization can be able to provide the better customer service to patients if they able to develop the customer base and customer service desk otherwise, the organization will not be able to develop the market and not be able to exist in the competitive market in long run (Proctor et al. 2013). New strategies: In order to develop new business strategies the organization will have to follow the roadmap for e-business strategy implementation. In this case, the organization will have to clear the vision and objectives of the business (Damanpour and Damanpour, 2012). Otherwise, the case will be difficult for the American Well to achieve the targeted growth rate. Additionaly, the organization will have to concentrate to add value within their business otherwise; the American Well will not be able to expand their business further. In this new business strategy the organization, have to set the target segments of their customer in order to maximize their services (Proctor et al. 2013). In addition to that, the legal, ethical and privacy issues of the organization should be discussed clearly otherwise, the unnecessary legal issues can arise. In this case, external partners and the organizational model will be discussed otherwise; the growth process of the organization will be hampered. In this reg ard, the organizational model can be altered In this case to achieve the growth rate of the organization. In order to develop the new strategies American well has to develop new revenue and cost mode in order to touch the targeted growth rate within a stipulated time period. Now, this business strategy will be discussed: Vision: In order to develop the new business strategy the organization has to adopt a clear vision of the organization in this case, the vision of the American well will be provide their qualitative services to more customers in order to achieve the vision (Porter and Teisberg, 2012). In this case, it will help the organization to attract more customers in the industry and as a result of this the organization can maximize their profit and be able to achieve the targeted growth rate. Objectives: The clear objectives of American Well are to capture the more market share and lower the price of the services (Nayyar, 2013). In this regard, the American Well will be able to enhabnce their service quality and in addition to that, the organization can able to capture the monopoly power of the market. In this regard, the American well can be able to restrict the entry of other organization in order to check the competition of the market (Laudon and Traver, 2010). Value creation: In this new business strategy the American well must able to create value within their business otherwise, it will be difficult for the organization in order to expand their business (Lovelock, 2013). In this case, the organization has to adopt the appropriate business strategies in order to create more value within the business. In addition to that, if the organization is able to add more value in the business then the customers can be able to get the benefits from the business (Team, 2015). Target segments: In this case, the organization will set the target segment for their customers for whom the organization can be able to maximize their sales (Short and Venkatraman, 2012). In effect of this, the organization can be able to maximize its profit for which the organization can be able to capture more market share within a stipulated time period. In this case, the organization can be able to provide services to more number of customers. As a result of this, American well can able to get the monopoly power of the industry (Fano and Gershman, 2014). Privacy, ethical and legal issues: In order to develop the new business strategy the organization has clear all the privacy, ethical and legal issues of the organization on order to avoid the legal issues of the organization (Porter and Teisberg, 2015). In this case, the service of the organization can be hampered and it may the cause for which the organization cannot be able to achieve the targeted growth rate within the stipulated time (Shortell and Zajac, 2012). External partners: The external partners of the American well can be discussed in order to clarify their responsibilities. In this case, the external partners of the organization will be government, suppliers, customers, distributers and so on. In this case, the external partners of the organization can help in the development process of the organization (Price, Arnould and Tierney, 2015). In this case, the government can play an important role because the government that helps in the revenue enaration process of the organization can reduce the tax. Therefore, all the external partners have the significant role in the business of the American well (Wickramasinghe et al. 2014). Organizational model: In the new business strategy, the organization has to alter the organizational model and an appropriate organizational model will be incorporated in the business for which the organization can be able to touch the higher growth rate within the stipulated time period (Damanpour and Damanpour, 2012). In this case, the organization can also alter the organizational culture. In effect of this, the employees of the organization can be able to provide more qualitative services to the customers of American well (Mahadevan, 2016). Revenue and cost model: In this case, the organization will adopt a new revenue model for which the organization can be able to maximize its revenue by increasing price of the customer or by maximizing the services to the customer (Shortell and Zajac, 2012). In this case, the organization will be able to capture the monopoly power of the market if the organization can maximize the number of services to the customers. If the organization increases the price of the services then the organization will lose the customer share of the market (Proctor et al. 2013). In addition to that, the cost models of the organization will also be changed in order to reduce the cost of the services. If the organization is able to reduce the cost of the services then the American well can be able to earn more profit from the business (Laudon and Traver, 2010). Strategy alignment: In order to incorporate this business strategy within the business of the organization then the alignment of the strategy should be maintained otherwise, the new business strategy would not be fruitful. In this case, more research will be required in order to develop a new business strategy for American well (Amit and Zott, 2015). In this case, the organization can be able to develop their market my adopting this new business strategies and by following this steps, the organization can be able to achieve the higher growth rate within the stipulated time period (Grandon and Pearson, 2013). The organization can be able to provide the qualitative services to the patients if the organization can be able to follow the steps of the business strategies. Recommendation: In order to run the business some additional recommendations are required for the organization. In this case, the business strategy of the organization will be critically discussed and it will be compared with the old business strategy of the organization (Shortell and Zajac, 2012). In this case, the organization will be able to alter the business model of the organization if the American well is not able to get the higher profit (Laudon and Traver, 2010). In this case, the some changes can be taken place in the new business model of the organization. In addition to that, the organization can be able to alter the technologies that are used in the business of American well (Fano and Gershman, 2014). In this regard, the modern technologies can be incorporated in the business of the organization otherwise, it will difficult for them to attract more customers. In addition to that, the organization will employ those employees who can be able to add more value within the business of the or ganization (Proctor et al. 2013). Therefore, the organization will be able to charge the lower price for the services and the organization can be able maximize the number of services of theb organization. Now, the recommendations of the researcher are: The organization should have to change the existing technologies that are used in the American well. In this case, the quality of the service of the organization has to be increased otherwise; the organization will not be able to achieve the higher growth rate (Fano and Gershman, 2014). A new business model is required where the different organizational culture, leadership style will be followed and this will help the organization to increase the quality of the service. The revenue and cost model will also be changed in order to restructure the service structure of the American well and it will help the organization to reduce the cost of the service. In effect of this, the organization will be able to provide the qualitative service at lower price (Damanpour and Damanpour, 2012). The organization will employ the efficient labor who can be able to create value within the organization. In order to do this, the organization will arrange the training and development program to develop an efficient labor force (Wickramasinghe et al. 2014). By following this recommendations the American well can be able to maximize the profit of the business. References: Amit, R. and Zott, C., 2015. Value creation in e?business.Strategic management journal,22(6?7), pp.493-520. 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